July 26 Online Only

The Session just met and decided to cancel our planned outdoor service at St. Luke’s this coming Sunday, July 26. We will worship on Zoom as we have on prior Sundays. We had been excited to meet in person again, but felt in light of the recent increase in cases in our region, several outbreaks related to churches across our state, and the current heat wave, meeting online is the wisest course of action for the moment. The Session will next meet August 13, and we will discuss our planned outdoor service for August 23 at that time.

If you are unable to join us on Zoom, you are always able to watch all of our services on our Facebook page and our recent services on our website. Each Sunday morning service is usually posted by Sunday afternoon.

We do continue to ask that anyone coming into the church building wear a mask to help protect Dottie and me and in observance of Gov. Justice’s order regarding masks indoors.

Finally, I will host Zoom office hours at 8 pm Tuesday and 9 am Friday this week, but I will not host them for the next two weeks while I am on vacation. I look forward to seeing you this week and being back on August 10!

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Rob